The Carnot Group Pty Ltd (Carnot) was established in 2002, and is a privately owned and operated Australian engineering design company based in Melbourne, Victoria. Carnot provides engineering consulting services to a broad range of industries and throughout Australia. Our company is named after the father of thermodynamics Sadi Carnot.
Our team comprises mechanical and materials engineers, each with decades of experience. We apply our strong theoretical knowledge to real-world problems for businesses spanning the resources, manufacturing, processing and energy sectors. Carnot supports both small and large organisations by adding depth and experience to your existing team as required. We value and respect our client’s instincts and industry knowledge. From first meeting, we like to listen carefully to ensure we fully understand your needs. We embrace the adage that a well-defined problem is one already half solved.

“If I were given one hour to save the world, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute solving it.”
Albert Einstein
Our business is founded upon strong relationships with all our clients based upon trust. We believe in:
- Delivering enduring value for your business.
- The value of properly scoping and defining requirements.
- The importance of obtaining relevant data for evidence based decision making.
- Providing clever designs and targeted engineering solutions that match your requirements.
- Presenting ourselves as ‘your’ engineers and keeping you informed and up to date with direction and progress.
- Providing quality documentation of our designs and insights. A commitment to quality that will stand the test of time.
We consistently bring valuable insight and clarity to complex problems by applying our broad technical experience and systems thinking. We apply our broad experience and technical skills to analyse your critical issues and manage the workload to develop unique, cost effective solutions delivered as you need them.
Our strong engineering design skills are implemented with:
- Best-practice 3D design and drafting software — Solidworks, Inventor, AutoCAD Plant 3D.
- Comprehensive structural, mechanical, thermal and fluid analysis packages — Solidworks Simulation, FluidFlow, HYSYS, ANSYS.
- Working knowledge of a wide range of design and safety standards (Australian and International).

We take great pride in the work we produce, the service we provide and the results we deliver. We form strong relationships with clients based upon mutual respect, their success is our success.